Spring has arrived, and rapidly a multitude of cacti and succulents are covered with buds and flowers. Spring is a period of active growth for all plants and also a period of active reproduction for all pests. The tender leaves of succulents and the growth points of cacti are attractive places for many pests – thrips, mites, worms, as well as fungal infections. Every spring, at the end of April, after the first abundant watering of the collection, we treat all plants for sucking pests and fungal diseases. Due to the ban on neonicotinoids, we combine insecticides, treating the collection 3-4 times with a one-week interval to thoroughly protect the plants with systemic agents throughout the vegetation period. The second serious treatment will be done in the fall, in September, before the collection is moved to the greenhouse for wintering in October-November. Treatment against mites is also carried out in the summer, as the red spider mite easily spreads through the air with the wind and can literally appear in the collection out of “nowhere”. Plants in the collection that have a waxy layer or fluff are watered from below to avoid losing the decorative part of the collection. All preparations are diluted according to the instructions and changed with each subsequent treatment. In this way, we avoid pest adaptation and achieve maximum effectiveness.